"Lyrical Ping Pong" von und mit Véronique Langlott
"Lyrical Ping Pong" von und mit Véronique Langlott

Choreographic Dadaism

“Lyrical Ping Pong” by Véronique Langlott at Monsun theatre Hamburg

Imagine a performance, where all the methods it is based on are declared at the first minute.

Hamburg, 04/05/2017

Von Anna Semenova-Ganz

Imagine a performance, where all the methods it is based on are declared at the first minute. Those methods are the rhythm, the sound and the content, which were taken from a poem and translated into choreography. Watching the solo performance “Lyrical Ping Pong” the spectator gets all the tools to decode the message, but is it possible to make a back-translation from the choreography?

In her formal research work the dancer and emerging Hamburg choreographer Véronique Langlott uses the text of invisible but indirectly present poem as a

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