We might as well be at the bottom of the ocean

A review of Pina Bausch's "The Piece with the Ship"

The curtains are open, the lights are on. As soon as you enter the theater you are confronted by the giant ship, tons of sand, and the cliffs making the way to the wreckage. Pina has the power of making one forget where they are.

Wuppertal, 09/02/2022

Von Fernanda Ermelindo


The black box is no where to be seen. The Pina Bausch experience always starts before the beginning and on "The Piece with the Ship", Peter Pabst brings it full on with his mesmerizing set design.

What marks this restaging almost 30 years after its 1993 premiere in Wuppertal - and its last performance in 1996 in Japan - is the collaboration with the Israeli choreographer Saar Magal. Magal was faced with a not so simple task as the first outside artist to work on a Bausch restaging: bringing the piece to 2022 while keeping its

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