“FIELD” by SKILLS (Camilla M. Fehér and Sylvi Kretzschmar).

“FIELD” by SKILLS (Camilla M. Fehér and Sylvi Kretzschmar).

Dancing on air

“FIELD” by SKILLS (Camilla M. Fehér and Sylvi Kretzschmar) at Kampnagel

This sound- and choreography-based work is inspired by the former field station Teufelsberg and brings recognizable atmospheric translation to the power of spy-technologies and its relation to fragile human physicality on stage.

Hamburg, 17/06/2017

By Anna Semenova-Ganz

Long fade out reveals the figures of performers, one after another they become visible to the eye. With constant low resonating sound as a background a man with the trumpet makes noise and fills the space with vibrations, at the same time the choreography reflects the decoding processes of invisible signals, the spectator cannot read them, but they are definitely present.

Performance-duo SKILLS (Camilla M. Fehér and Sylvi Kretzschmar) presents their new piece “FIELD”, the sound- and choreography-based work, which is inspired by

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